Loose Tooth!

Tyler has a loose tooth!  It is one of the bottom center ones.  Ack!  My baby is growing up too fast!!

News Year’s Revolutions

no, that’s not a typo.  they talked about New Year’s and New Year’s resolutions at school today.  So Ty came home and asked me “mama, do you have any revolutions?”  🙂 Later, he made me a sandwich, and when he handed it to me, he said “mama, I made you a sandwich!  It’s made with… Continue reading News Year’s Revolutions

Uh, thanks, I think…

Tyler: “That lady we passed on the way out [of GVCC], that was Isaiah’s mom, she has dark hair and looks like you, only skinnier.  I’m not saying you’re fat, I’m saying you’re fat in a nice way.  I didn’t know you when you were skinny, that was before you had me, but I saw… Continue reading Uh, thanks, I think…

Funny Quotes

I am going to use this post to list funny quotes that Ty has said over the years (gaa!!! YEARS?!?) ——————————————————————————————————————– 8/25/12:  (We were at CVS, and Ty was looking at a toy):  “mommy, I can’t take my eyes off of this toy!” 8/26/12:  (Making breakfast one morning): “mommy, I just can’t get my nose… Continue reading Funny Quotes

Adorable Mispronunciations

Dooba diver (screw driver) Retend (pretend) Fire distinguisher (fire extinguisher) Messetary (cemetary) Ambliance (ambulance) Breftast (breakfast) Grav (grab) Pack-pack (backpack) Bannas (and later, babannas) Ogrut (yogurt) Jupes (grapes)

Random Tidbits

Ty surprised me by spitting out some factoid that I didn’t know he knew.  I said “wow, you’re just soaking stuff up like a sponge”.  he replied “yeah, that’s why my head is so fat, ’cause I keep so much stuff in there!” ————————————- We were talking about marrying and babies and having kids.  Tyler… Continue reading Random Tidbits

An Ice Cream Chain Reaction

We were having ice cream outside on a really hot day.  the following conversation took place: Ty: I’m really freaked out right now! Me: What’s freakin’ you out, man? Ty: It’s an ice cream chain reaction!  It’s all over the place Me: You want me to find something up here you can drop it in?… Continue reading An Ice Cream Chain Reaction

Funny Trip to Gamestop

Ty and I went to Gamestop to get a Skylander’s giant.  While we were there, he had to go potty.  After he was done peeing, but still had his junk hanging out, he pokes at his “boys” and says to me “mommy, look, I have two eggs and a hot dog!”.  I laughed and told… Continue reading Funny Trip to Gamestop

Take Your Son to Work Day

It was “Take Your Son to Work” day today.  Ty came with me for the first time.  Even though he’s on the young end (they say it is geared for kids 9 and up), he really enjoyed himself.  One of the highlights of the day for him was riding the service elevator at work.  It… Continue reading Take Your Son to Work Day


On Sunday I was telling Tyler about Paras’ birthday dinner that I went to on Saturday evening.  I told him how one of the things I tried was escargot.  When I told him that escargot was snails, he said “really!?!  you ate a snail!?!”   Then yesterday I was telling him how I like to… Continue reading Escargot