Kevin is not going to be happy, I have to leave tomorrow for a meeting in Washington. I won’t get back until late Thursday.
Better Mood
It’s amazing how much impact a beautiful day can have on your mood! I know I have been so cranky and short-tempered lately. But these long, sunny days (and a little “snuggle time” , have helped very much. I am sure that Kevin must appreciate the difference, too.
Wonderful Spring!
What a beautiful, beautiful day! Winter seems to have lasted so long, I fogot what it was to have a breeze blow across my bare skin and have it feel wonderful… I heard on the radio today that Prince Rainier of Monaco died. Apprently his family has ruled Monaco for over seven hundred years! It… Continue reading Wonderful Spring!
Kevin and Jagger
(This pic is from last summer…) 1166
My First Post!
hmm…. I wonder if everyone titles their first post “My First Post”? It turned out to be quite nice out today, not the pouring rain they were predicting. Took the dog for a nice long walk. We stopped for a while and sat on the bench looking out over the lake. The middle of the… Continue reading My First Post!
Ok, one more time…
Thursday, September 25, 2008: Ok, now that I have figured out how to use and manage wordpress, I am going to collect together the various bits and pieces of blogs and diaries I have floating around. I will back date the posts, to keep the time stamps correct.
Snow, Snow, Snow!!
According to the weather channel yesterday, the forecast was “blizzard”. When poor Jagger went outside this morning, he sank into the snow over his head. Of course I, being the sensitive doggie mommie I am, stood in the doorway laughing hysterically while he “swam” through the snow back to the house. I have some pics… Continue reading Snow, Snow, Snow!!
Fall Fun…
Kevin, Jagger and I had a great time raking leaves today! Yeah, I know, I never thought I’d hear those words out of me either.. 🙂 But watching Kevin play “leaf monster” for Jagger was just too cute. I missed the funniest part, but I did get a small clip of it using my digital… Continue reading Fall Fun…
New Webpage!
Now that fall is setting in, I have had a little more time to pursue some indoor activities, which includes starting to learn html and making web pages. I will be adding to these pages and spiffing them up as I have time, so check back periodically. You never know what you may find! 🙂