It’s been a long time since I posted to this blog. I really want to get back into the habit of writing, because there are so many little things everyday that I want to remember. You always think you’ll remember all the little things, but memories do fade… I am giving “Windows Live Writer” (beta… Continue reading Been a Long Time…
Skidboot the Dog
A heart-warming segment from Texas Country Reporter, with Bob Phillips. For more information visit or
Corn on the Cob
We had a cookout today, with the our first corn on the cob of the summer. Turns out Jagger likes it too! Although I didn’t know he could eat so delicately. I thought he only had one setting – “gobble” 🙂 The video of this is just too cute. (I made it into a flash… Continue reading Corn on the Cob
Doggy Life Jacket
We decided that Jagger needs a life jacket if he is going to go on the boat with us. I thought he had plenty of “natural” bouayancy, but Kevin didn’t think it was enough, hence the snazzy new life jacket 🙂
Finally, Another Update…
The months since the last major update to the site have been incredibly crazy. I have only recently had a chance to come back to the site and start to work on it again. I installed new image gallery software, and uploaded a lot of new pics, including some old family pics from as early… Continue reading Finally, Another Update…
All Healed Up
The staples came out today!! That is one happy puppy now…
Jagger’s Cyst Removal Surgery
Jagger had surgery today 🙁 He had an infected cyst on his shoulder that wouldn’t heal, so the vet had to cut it out. Here is my poor little guy, with his back half-shaved and 11 staples… …and with the makeshift t-shirt they told us to use to keep him from scratching at the incision… Continue reading Jagger’s Cyst Removal Surgery
New Look for the Site has a new look! I changed the design a little bit, and I have many plans for more changes. The trick is finding the time… Oh well, in the meantime, at least this is nicer to look at than the old, ugly yellow page (what was I thinking?!?) 🙂
Welcome Home!
Finally home! Kevin was sound asleep, poor guy must have been tired. Jagger, of course, started the welcome home serenade as soon as he heard my car. (I could hear him from the driveway. When I finally got a chance to sit down on the couch, he jumped up, plastered himself against me as hard… Continue reading Welcome Home!
My Sweet Kevin
When I gave Kevin a hug this morning before leaving for my trip, he told me “You tell that pilot that if the plane goes down, he better die with it or he’ll have to deal with me”. He can be such a sweetie…