I was talking to Kevin while getting dinner ready, and Ty was in the kitchen with us. He was on the other side of the room, playing his DS. With kids, even when you think they are preoccupied and not listening, somehow they still are. I was telling Kevin how, the night before, Ty and… Continue reading Melting
The Important Things
We really do tend to get caught up in the negative, unimportant details sometimes. Tyler said something to me this morning that really put it in perspective. At about 6 am he came into my room and crawled in to bed with me. I was really groggy, so I continued to lay there for a… Continue reading The Important Things
Writing Backwards
Sometimes when I ask Tyler a question, he will answer by “writing” the word in the air with his finger. This would be fine, except that he is facing me as he does it, so that the letters/words are all written (to my point-of-view), backwards. Yesterday he was “writing” an answer in the air very… Continue reading Writing Backwards
Kevin, Tyler and I were on the way home from somewhere, and Kevin started to say “we need to move that shit” but he caught himself and it came out “we need to move that shhh-tuff”. a second later a voice from the back seats pipes up and says “daddy, you were gonna say SHIT,… Continue reading Sh-tuff
Side-Eye for Sure
On the way home from school, I said something that was apparently suspect, and Ty said to me “mama, I’m giving you the side-eye”. I looked in the mirror, and sure enough – he was! 🙂
Doggy Comfort
We had to take Ben to the vet today, which is never a good experience. Ben gets wicked car sick, so pretty much the only time he goes anywhere in the car is to go to the vet’s. so it’s no wonder that as soon as we get him into the car, he starts to… Continue reading Doggy Comfort
I’m Not the De-marrying Kind
It came up in general conversation that someone had gotten divorced, and then married someone else. Tyler, upon hearing this, said “you can de-marry someone?” I told him yes, you can do that, and after along pause he asked me “mama, you won't de-marry daddy, will you?” I reassured him that I love daddy very… Continue reading I’m Not the De-marrying Kind
Sometimes You Just Gotta Let Go
I was trying to get a tray out of the hutch in the kitchen, and I accidentally knocked over an old vase that had a lot of sentimental value to me. Tyler could see that I was upset about it. He was trying to make me feel better, and he said “well you would be… Continue reading Sometimes You Just Gotta Let Go
Words of Wisdom
I asked Ty what he wanted to be when he grows up, and he gave me a surprisingly perceptive answer. He said “I don’t know. I have a lot of living to do before I’ll know that”. Very wise, young grasshopper!
First Dentist Visit
Ty had his first visit to the dentist today. He did great! I had my teeth cleaned first, and he watched. When my gums bled a little he asked the hygenist “what is that red stuff in my mom’s mouth?” She hesitated and said, “uhh… it”s just some uh… gum flavored stuff”. He accepted that,… Continue reading First Dentist Visit