Grandmommy Visits

Tyler’s Grandmommy came for a visit this week! Here are some sweet pics from her visit 1609 16151591

Family Portrait

Our first family portrait! Trying to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time is quite a challenge, especially with a baby and a dog! Of course, all Jagger was interested in doing was trying to kiss the baby. 🙂 1576

Quality Control Agent

Jagger seems to enjoy doing quality control for the baby’s new gear! Here he is testing out the new stroller. He also loves taste testing all the baby’s stuffed toys… 🙂

Categorized as Jagger


We had a nice Easter visit at the Sutherland’s. Everyone got to meet Tyler, and we got to visit with all our dear friends. I really miss living near them, I wish we could visit more often. Here are some pics of me, Kevin and Tyler, and Tyler with his “cousins” Wendy and Jennie 1867… Continue reading Easter

Aunt Kathy Visits

Tyler’s Aunt Kathy and Uncle Woody came to visit (and help!) for a few days. Kathy and Woody were so wonderful, helping us and especially me try to adjust to having a new baby. I don’t know how to thank them, they really helped us get through a rough patch. 1675 1666

Jagger Recovery Update

It is amazing to us how quickly Jagger is recuperating. Within two days of the surgery, he was up and walking around without even limping! He has really bounced back from this surgery much better than we ever expected (thank heavens).

Categorized as Jagger

Jagger’s Biopsy Results

We got a call from the vet about the lump biopsy. It was cancerous (a “nerve sheath tumor”), but it is a type that does not tend to spread and doesn’t recur aggressively, so she is pretty happy with his prognosis! Of course the best thing would have been to hear that it was benign,… Continue reading Jagger’s Biopsy Results

Categorized as Jagger