Restless Child

We sure have a restless sleeper on our hands. When I laid him down in the crib for bed last night, his head was toward the headboard. When I went back later to check on him, his head was toward the footboard. He had done a complete 180 in his sleep!

Another Milestone!

Tyler rolled over (back to front) today! I didn’t actually see it, though. 🙁 He was on his play mat in the living room. I ran upstairs for a minute to grab a pair of pants, and when I came down he was on his belly! I sat there for a half hour, poised and… Continue reading Another Milestone!

Daycare Starts Today

I took Tyler in for his first day of daycare today! I picked him up around 1:30 pm, so it was only about 1/2 day, but Priscilla said he did good, he didn’t fuss much, but didn’t sleep much either. That doesn’t surprise me, it was a new place for him and so many new… Continue reading Daycare Starts Today

Tub Time

Tyler really seems to like taking a bath, he rarely fusses. But he does make the funniest faces sometimes! Here is a cute video of Tyler during his bath. (If the video doesn’t appear under the picture of Tyler wrapped up in a towel, try going to a different page and then back again. For… Continue reading Tub Time


Tyler rolled onto his side for the first time today!

Baby Fun

It is so funny to watch Jagger and the baby together. When Tyler is on his play mat, Jagger will usually run over, give him a few kisses, and then lay nearby and just watch the baby. He really seems to love “his baby”.

The Guardian

Jagger is doing so well with Tyler! He loves giving him kisses, and will always lay somewhere nearby the baby, as if guarding him. 1807 1804

Little Floppy Hat

Now that it is warming up and we are taking Tyler outside, we realized we need a little floppy hat to keep the sun off of him and out of his eyes. I love this little floppy hat pic: 1765