Tyler has started blowing rasperries! It is so cute, and I would love to get it on video, but I have not been able to catch him doing it when I have the video camera nearby…
It’s amazing how a baby’s development will jump by leaps and bounds. All of a sudden over the last week, Tyler has discovered that he has hands, and they are good for grabbing things! Before this, he would hold on to something if you placed it in his hand, but he wasn’t reaching for anything.… Continue reading Handy-work
Milk Junkie
I think we have a little milk junkie on our hands. If (god forbid) we are overdue for a bottle, Tyler has a complete meltdown. Then, the bottle appears and as it approaches his face, he opens his mouth wide and wiggles his head back and forth like a little bird, as if to say… Continue reading Milk Junkie
It’s Always About the Poop…
Poor Tyler, he has gone from being constipated to having diarrhea. Kevin took him to the doctor today, and they said not to give him any more karo syrup or prune juice (which we had already stopped). They said he doesn’t seem dehydrated, and to give it some time and just keep an eye on… Continue reading It’s Always About the Poop…
We decided to get a walker for Tyler. (We have it in the kitchen, so there’s no safety issue.) He really seems to like it, although the first time we put him in it and he moved it, he was so startled that he started to cry. But it didn’t take him long to figure… Continue reading Walker
The Inchworm
So now that Tyler has mastered rolling over, apparently he has decided that that is not enough excitement for him anymore! He has moved on to a maneuver that we have been calling “the inchworm”. He rolls over onto his stomach, and then will pull his knees up under his body, and push forward. Repeat… Continue reading The Inchworm
I think we should have named this child “tigger” instead of “tyler”. As soon as we lay him down on his back, he immediately flips over. I swear he must have springs in his butt! At first I was worried about him sleeping on his stomach because of the risk of SIDS, but everyone I’ve… Continue reading Tigger
3-Month Formal Pictures
We finally managed to get our act together and get Tyler’s 3-month pictures taken. We went to Kiddie Kandids (in Babies’R’Us) and they did a pretty good job. The photographer was able to get a smile from Tyler for 5 of the 6 poses, but for the last pose nothing any of us did could… Continue reading 3-Month Formal Pictures
Uh-oh, Now We’ve Got to Think About Our TV Watching Habits…
…because Tyler is starting to notice the TV. When he was younger, he never really paid attention to the TV, but lately we’ve been catching him staring intently at it. Guess we will have to start being more judicious in our choices (and amount) of TV that we watch. I caught Kevin and Tyler both… Continue reading Uh-oh, Now We’ve Got to Think About Our TV Watching Habits…
Sleeping Like A…