
We figured out something about Tyler on Sunday.  After he had been up for awhile, he was getting cranky and ready for a nap.  We laid him on the living room floor but he just kept rolling around all over the place and wouldn’t settle down enough to sleep.  We could see that he was… Continue reading Containment

Never Found the Thumb

When Tyler was younger, he would try very hard to get his thumb into his mouth to suck.  But he never really succeeded because he had a tendency to curl his thumb in to his hand just as his hand would reach his mouth, so he just ended up sucking on the side of his… Continue reading Never Found the Thumb

New Formula

We started Tyler on the new formula (EleCare) yesterday morning.  I was worried because I had read from other people using it that it smells and tastes pretty bad.  I don’t know what they were comparing it to, though, because I actually think it smells less strong than the Nutramigen, and Tyler didn’t seem to… Continue reading New Formula

Four-month Checkup

Tyler had his four-month checkup yesterday (complete with immunization shots, ouch!).  The doctor is going to have us change him to a super-specialized formula called EleCare, which is as hypoallergenic as it gets.  She said that way we can get to a baseline from which the allergist can work, eliminating as much problematic stuff as… Continue reading Four-month Checkup

Rolling Forward!

Tyler has figured out how to go forward in his walker!  I was watching him over the weekend, and he would stand up and lean forward, stepping to keep his balance, and then the whole thing rolled forward a little.  I swear I could almost see the light go on in his head as he… Continue reading Rolling Forward!


I just love little baby feet: 1989 And now Tyler has discovered them, too! It is so adorable, and his new favorite thing to do is grab his toes and play with them. It makes changing diapers a lot more complicated, though 🙂 1993 1995

Allergy Test Results

Well, if the allergy blood test results are to be believed (and there is some question as to whether they should be believed), Tyler is allergic to all kinds of things – milk, wheat, eggs, nuts and shellfish.  Shellfish?!?  He’s never even been exposed to shellfish, even when I was breastfeeding,  so how on earth… Continue reading Allergy Test Results

Screaming Diaper Changes

Poor Tyler!  After a few days of being on the Nutramigen, he had seemed to be doing better, his poop had firmed up a little and his rash had seem better, he now seems to have taking a step back again.  His diarrhea was back, with mucous, and his diaper area is really red and… Continue reading Screaming Diaper Changes

Being Sick Sucks…

Uggh, I have discovered a time when it really does suck to have a baby – when both parents are sick at the same time. I woke up sick Saturday morning, (vomiting, diarrhea and fever) and Kevin got sick with the same thing later in the day. We played “pass the baby” all weekend, one… Continue reading Being Sick Sucks…

Projectile Vomiting

I took Tyler to the doctor today because when we picked him up from Priscilla’s yesterday she said he had projectile vomited him last bottle.  I tried to feed him a little bit twice last night, and he threw it all up both times (but not projectile).  We saw doctor Baranwal today, and she thinks… Continue reading Projectile Vomiting