Boy that didn’t take long! Within three days of our first seeing Tyler trying to sit up on his own, he’s now an old pro at it. All weekend long he was doing it. And not just sitting up unassisted, but actually getting into a sitting up position by himself. In the morning, we have… Continue reading Totally Sitting Up!
Almost Sitting Up
Several times in the last few days we’ve seen Tyler lift himself up on his knees and elbows, so that his belly is off the ground. Then yesterday when I picked him up from Priscilla’s, she told me that twice he had gotten himself into a sitting position! She said she didn’t see him do… Continue reading Almost Sitting Up
Raspberries of Discontent
For the last few days, Tyler has rediscovered the joys of blowing raspberries. He had started it about a month ago, then stopped for a while. Now he has started up again, with gusto! Last night we waited just a little too long to get his bottle in the warmer, and he decided to complain… Continue reading Raspberries of Discontent
Desperate Times Require Desperate Measures…
We left Children’s Hospital yesterday around 4 o’clock, and were almost immediately stuck in traffic. Of course, that’s when the baby decided he had had enough of that day, and started to have a meltdown. Thankfully, he eventually fell asleep. He didn’t wake up until we were about 10 minutes from home, and I just… Continue reading Desperate Times Require Desperate Measures…
Visit to Children’s Hospital
Warning – This is going to be a very long post! Yesterday was our trip to Children’s Hospital Boston to see the gastroenterologist and the allergist for Tyler. I am trying to capture everything we found out yesterday in this post, to make sure I remember it all while it’s fresh. The day went very… Continue reading Visit to Children’s Hospital
It’s All the Little Things
Yes, babies are a lot of work, but there are so many little things I love about Tyler. I love the way he lays his head on my shoulder and sighs after he’s done eating. I love how his soft little hands play with my fingers while he’s having his bottle. I love the way… Continue reading It’s All the Little Things
New Bathrobe
A friend of Kevin’s gave us some clothes, including two adorable little bath robes. In the first pic, I think he looks like a little boxer getting ready to go into the ring… 2072 2066
No More Solids for Awhile
We started feeding Tyler rice cereral last Monday, and by Friday he was obviously not feeling well. His rashes were worse, he was clingy and lethargic and had huge bags and circles under his eyes. We didn’t give him any rice cereal on Friday, and Saturday he was feeling much better. But maybe it was… Continue reading No More Solids for Awhile
Could You Be A Little More Obvious, Buddy?
I was moving videos off of my video camera last night and found this clip. I’ll give you three guesses what’s going on… [flashvideo filename= /]
First Spoon Feeding!
We gave Tyler his first food from a spoon last night! This new formula is so highly processed that he is just not satisfied by it, he seems to be hunrgy all the time and has been spitting up a lot. So the pediatrician said to go ahead and start giving him rice cereal mixed… Continue reading First Spoon Feeding!