Mmmm…Sweet Potatos

We started sweet potatos yesterday.  Tyler really liked them, and decided I wasn’t getting the spoon into his mouth fast enough, so he would grab the spoon and “help”… 2622

A Tooth!

We found a tooth!  Actually, Kevin found it by having his finger chomped on by our little budding alligator.  Those little baby teeth sure are sharp!  I suppose this explains his crankiness and restless sleep the last few days.  (It’s a bottom front tooth, btw)

Jumping Bean

Tyler has always loved to bounce.  Even when he was a newborn, bouncing on the exercise ball with him in my arms almost always calmed him down when we has fussy.  Now that he is bigger, he is able to use the jumper toy, and boy does he love it!  He really gets that thing… Continue reading Jumping Bean

Trying Solids Again

We’re going to try solids again with Tyler.  We had tried giving him rice cereal back at the beginning of July, but discontinued it until we saw the allergist at Children’s Hospital.  Now that we’re back from vacation, we decided to start giving him some again.  He seemed to like it, and ate the whole… Continue reading Trying Solids Again

The Long Road Home…

Whew! Home at last!  It is great getting to see all of our families, but it is nice to get back to your own bed eventually. 🙂  Tyler did ok during the first part of the trip home, but towards the end he was getting extremely tired of being strapped in the car seat, and… Continue reading The Long Road Home…

Tuesday – Daddy’s Back!

Kevin left his mom’s house Tuesday morning and came up to Ken’s. His first words when he saw us were “where’s my boy?!?” and he made a beeline for the baby. I didn’t feel too slighted, I probably would have done the same thing. 🙂 Later in the day on Tuesday we went to visit… Continue reading Tuesday – Daddy’s Back!

More Fun on Sunday

On Sunday we went to my Aunt Brenda’s house.  My brother Ken, his girlfriend Stephanie, and my mom all came down, too, and we had a cookout there.  Tyler also got in a pool for the first time!  He really seemed to like it.  It was so wonderful to see Aunt Brenda, Uncle Tom and… Continue reading More Fun on Sunday

Big Day, Lots of Fun!

Tyler sure had a ball at his Aunt Kathy’s on Saturday.  He got to see and experience so many new things, and meet so many new people!  Many of Kevin’s relatives came by on Saturday to meet Tyler.  It was great to get to see everyone again!  I’ll let the pictures tell the story… 2443… Continue reading Big Day, Lots of Fun!

Trip to Maryland

Whew!  It was a long drive to Maryland on Friday (6 1/2 hours drive time, although total time was 8 hours because of all the stops we made).  But Tyler did very well on the ride down.  The first part of our vacation was spent at Kevin’s sister Kathy’s place.  We got there about noon… Continue reading Trip to Maryland