Cruisin’ With Friends
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Absolutely Miserable Trip to Maryland
Ugh. Our after-christmas trip to Maryland: a completely, absolutely miserable trip. Beginning to end. My comment to Kevin after we got back: “next summer, either we’re flying down, or people will just have to come up here and see us”. yeah, it was that bad. The trip down was miserable. Tyler was extremely unhappy to… Continue reading Absolutely Miserable Trip to Maryland
Absolutely Miserable Trip to Maryland
Ugh. Our after-christmas trip to Maryland: a completely, absolutely miserable trip. Beginning to end. My comment to Kevin after we got back: “next summer, either we’re flying down, or people will just have to come up here and see us”. yeah, it was that bad. The trip down was miserable. Tyler was extremely unhappy to… Continue reading Absolutely Miserable Trip to Maryland
Photo of Opportunity
We were at walmart and I couldn’t resist plopping this santa hat on his head and snapping a pic… 3334
Baby’s First Christmas
We decided to celebrate Tyler’s first christmas on Christmas Eve, and give him his presents then. Of course, as we suspected, he had loads of fun tearing up the paper, before he even got to his toys. He really loves the ball popper he got, courtesy of Auntie Pat. (thanks Pat!) It is so funny… Continue reading Baby’s First Christmas
Daddy’s Little Redneck
We put this outfit on Tyler and Kevin started calling him his “little redneck”. The only thing missing is a little pair of baby sh**-kickers. Which, (stop laughing), we do have… I think they should fit now, so I’ll have to post another pic of him in this outfit, with the little boots on, too.… Continue reading Daddy’s Little Redneck
Tyler took his first steps today! He has been seriously working on it for about a week now, standing upright (without any support) and sort of shuffling his feet, but today he took about 5 or 6 full-fledged steps! He walked about 3-4 feet from beside the highchair to where I was kneeling, over by… Continue reading Walking!!
Yo, Ma!
I always thought that a baby’s first word would be some sort of definitive event, like he would look at me and say “mama” or at Kevin and say “dada”, and it would be clear that he has said his first word. Turns out it’s not like that, it seems like it’s a lot more… Continue reading Yo, Ma!
Bathtub Gymnastics
We are lucky, Tyler loves taking a bath. But now that he’s older (and taller) you have to watch him like a hawk because his favorite game right now is the old “drop-the-toy-in-the-water-and-lean-over- the-edge-of-the-tub-to-try-to-reach-it-and-almost-fall-in-every-time” game. Of course, this game doesn’t even actually require water, as we found out this morning. Kevin was brushing his teeth… Continue reading Bathtub Gymnastics