Uncle Ken Visits

Tyler’s Uncle Ken came up for a visit this weekend.  It was funny to watch Ken playing with Ty.  I don’t think he really knows what to do around little kids, but he did a good job!  If I get a chance, I will upload the little video clip I have of them playing together.


It seems as though all of a sudden Ty is using pronouns!  I have been hearing him use “I” “me” “you” etc appropriately, lately.

New Quad, Daddy!

Now that it is getting kind of nice out now, Kevin got Tyler’s new (got it for christmas) quad out of the garage. When Tyler saw it sitting in the yard, he said “Oh man, new quad, daddy!!”

Good Job

It’s a little startling when you can hear yourself reflected from your child’s mouth.  Yesterday Tyler and I were “playing play-dough” and one of the plastic things broke.  I fixed it and gave it back to him, and he said “Good job, mommy!”  with the exact inflection that I say it with.  It was like… Continue reading Good Job

Second Birthday

Tyler’s second birthday!  It’s hard to believe another year has rolled around.  He’s talking up a storm now.  He’s had his first haircut (sniff, sniff — I loved his shaggy locks and little curls!) and he’s been cleared for dairy!  Barb and Dave came out to celebrate our little man’s second birthday. Kevin got Tyler… Continue reading Second Birthday

When I See a Booger, I Think of Mommy…

This morning as I was cleaning up in the kitchen, I hear the following snippet of conversation: Ty (after extracting his finger from his nose): “Daddy! Booger! Booger!” Kevin: “Wow, look at that!  …. Go give it to mommy…” yeah… thanks Daddy…

Giving Him the Moon

On the way home from daycare, the moon was full and Tyler noticed it out the car window.  He reached out and said “ball, have it? have it?”  He did it again when we got home and Kevin got him out of the car.  Kevin and I both said simultaneously “If we could give you… Continue reading Giving Him the Moon