Upset Belly

I was trying to get Tyler to eat some breakfast and he said “my belly feels hurt”.  So I asked him if he would like a drink of water and he considered for a moment, then responded “no… I tink juice make my belly feel better!”.

Sprinkler Fun

It was so blasted hot, so we had the sprinklers turned on and Tyler and I were having a good time running and chasing each other through them.  Kevin was watching and Ty suddenly stopped, looked at him and said “join us, daddy!”.  And daddy did. 🙂


A while ago I posted about Tyler’s attempts to sing the ABC song.  He has completely mastered it now.  He even sings the “now I know my ABCs, next time won’t you sing with me” at the end.

I Want, I Want, I Want…

Our sweet little dictator has been marching around issuing declarations lately.  “I want juice!”  “I want cookies!”.  Of course, I would prefer he actually asks (“may I have a cookie, please”), but I would be satisfied with “I want a cookie, please”.  I keep reminding him to say please, and he does, but it is… Continue reading I Want, I Want, I Want…


I realized yesterday that all of a sudden we are having actual conversations with Tyler.  We’re not discussing philosophy yet, of course, but he is really starting to develop abstract ideas and some grasp of sentence structure and grammer.  Here are some examples: When I got back from the grocery store yesterday, upon seeing the… Continue reading Conversations

Allergy Update

Well, Tyler’s been on the Flonase for about  a week now, and it seems to be working.  I only have to give it to him once a day, and he has been having less symptoms.  I also switch to giving him his whole dose of zyrtec (1 teaspoon) in the evening instead of half in… Continue reading Allergy Update

Opening Doors

About two or three months ago, Tyler figured out how to open doors with regular doorknobs.  This development has occured much sooner than I would have thought.  Now we have to take another look at toddler-proofing!