Huh, it turns out reverse psychology actually works on toddlers! Tyler has decided recently that he no longer likes getting a bath. In desperation the other night, Kevin started to walk out of the bathroom, turned and said in mock seriousness “don’t you dare get in my bath while I’m gone”. Tyler immediately turns to… Continue reading Reverse Psychology
I’m Cheese
Somestimes the strangest things will crack up a toddler. The other day he ran in to where I was sitting and said “I’m cheese! Eat me!” which ended up with me chasing him yelling “my dinner is running away! come back here, dinner!” and then him chasing me, with me yelling, “aaaaa! my dinner is… Continue reading I’m Cheese
We had a really nice day outside playing in the yard. Eventually we ended up out on 5th avenue, walking up towards the woodsy end of our lot. As Tyler and I walked up the road, he told me “I’m having fun walking with you, mommy”. I said I was having fun too. After a… Continue reading Awwww….
I’m Done Crying Now
Well we definintely get a taste of the terrible two’s now and then. Tyler is generally a good kid, and fairly laid-back, but he will on occasion have a fit if something doesn’t go his way. We have been trying to take a casual approach, staying nearby while he spazzes, but not engaging with him… Continue reading I’m Done Crying Now
Little Accomplishments
As a grownup, we tend to forget how even the little things can be quite an accomplishment when you’re so small. Last night Tyler got up on the back of the couch, and started crawling along it. he said “I’m doing it! I’m doing it!” and when he got to the end, he said “I… Continue reading Little Accomplishments
Where Does He Get This Stuff?
The funny thing about having Tyler in daycare is that sometimes he comes up with stuff that I figure he must have heard at daycare (or maybe on TV). Over the weekend I had gotten Ty these things called “airblox” that you can build structure with. Last night Tyler wanted to build a “tent”. He… Continue reading Where Does He Get This Stuff?
In the Air
I stopped for gas after I picked up Tyler yesterday. We stopped at a gas station that does repairs, too, and both their mechanics’ bays were open. They also both had cars up on the lifts. Tyler did a double-take when he saw that and said “those cars hanging in the air!!” I told him… Continue reading In the Air
Your Pants Broke!
I was on the hunt for a bathing suit (ugh), when Kevin had a good idea. Just find on old pair of sweatpants and make them into cut-offs. Works for me! so I laid them out on the bathroom and cut them off just above the knee. That is just when Tyler happened to walk… Continue reading Your Pants Broke!
Now That’s a Good Friend
When Tyler gets a boo-boo, of course I will give it a kiss to make it feel better. The other day, we were on our way home from daycare when Tyler started telling me how he had hurt his toe at Kathy’s. He proceeded to pull off his sock and shoe and start kissing his… Continue reading Now That’s a Good Friend
Take it off, Daddy, Take it off!!
Tyler has always reveled in being naked. It is so fun to watch him just tear around the house in the buff, yelling “nakeys! nakeys!” and waving his arms in the air. I also admire the toddler’s complete and utter lack of self-consciousness. We also have this ongoing joke that started one day when I… Continue reading Take it off, Daddy, Take it off!!