Tyler is such a sweet, sensitive little guy. I sure hope he can hold on to those qualities. He is also very imaginitive. When we are reading bedtime stories, he will often stop me in the middle of a book and ask if he can hold one of the animals, or help them (depending on… Continue reading Sensitivity
What’s That Noise?
I think I may have gotten a touch of food poisoning last night. Kevin had to leave at 7pm to go do some work, so it was just me and Ty. I had been feeling very nauseated ever since dinner (which was only 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich and a small bowl of cereal). All of… Continue reading What’s That Noise?
No Logic, No Reasoning
I’ve discovered something about 2 1/2 year olds. There is no reasoning with them, no logic that they understand. Arguing with a toddler is oddly reminiscent of arguing with a drunk. It leaves you both upset, frustrated, and you feeling like you could use a drink yourself. I can’t count the number of times I… Continue reading No Logic, No Reasoning
Tyler has become verbal enough that he has developed some “catch-phrases” that he likes to use. For example “this is the best [whatever] I ever had!” or “this is the most [whatever] in the whole.. wide.. world!” I would love to catch some of these on video, because part of what makes them so cute… Continue reading Tyler-isms
If You Get Stuck, Just Make It Up
Almost a year ago at this time, Tyler was well on his way to being able to recite the alphabet. Not long after, he had that down pat. He can count to fifteen with no problem, but after that it gets a little fuzzy for him. But I have to admire his confidence. When he… Continue reading If You Get Stuck, Just Make It Up
Kids are incredible mimics. I know this, but I still get surprised sometimes when Tyler comes out with something that sounds so grown up. Yesterday we had to go somewhere, and Shiner was with us. As he was getting into the car, Tyler said to Shiner “Shiner, I am something of a garage expert”. I… Continue reading Mimics
Melting the Heart and Fun in the Snow
Sometimes when you hear your own words from your child’s mouth, you cringe (think curse words) but sometimes they say something that just melts your heart. Ty and I were playing in the living room yesterday. I was sitting on the floor and he was standing next to me. All of a sudden he reached… Continue reading Melting the Heart and Fun in the Snow
Privacy Please
Tyler knows that when mommy or daddy are in the bathroom pooping, they need privacy. When you go in to the bathroom, sometimes he will follow you in and ask “do you need privacy?”. Well, last night he decided that it should apply to him as well. For a few weeks now he has been… Continue reading Privacy Please
Scary Things
When we were in CVS tonight, we happened to go past the aisle with the Halloween masks. Tyler saw them, jumped back a little, pointed and said “mommy, are those scary masks going to bite me??” I explained to him that there were pretend monsters, that they were only made of rubber. During this explanation… Continue reading Scary Things
Poor Mr. Bones
Tyler was playing at Jordan’s house yesterday evening. They were making a big pile of leaves and jumping in it, and taking turns burying each other in it. Then Jordan decided to bury “Mr. Bones”, her life-size plastic skeleton. One of Mr. Bones’ legs isn’t attached very well, however and kept falling off. Tyler and… Continue reading Poor Mr. Bones