Poor Ty. He burned his hand on the hot muffler of the lawnmower last night. I wish I could have stopped him from having to learn the lesson that way (we have told him repeatedly not to touch the mower’s engine), but I surely hope that at least now he will remember not to touch… Continue reading Hard Lesson to Learn
Wait For It…
We decided on the spur of the moment to go to Outback for dinner last night. We got there a little on the late side (for us), about 5:45. We were told the wait would be about 15-20 minutes. As we were sitting on the bench waiting, we met a really nice couple with a… Continue reading Wait For It…
Watching Two Grown Men Squirm…
Me, Tyler, Kevin, and one of Kevin’s employees (also named Kevin) went to Applebee’s for dinner yesterday. After Tyler got done eating he was getting restless and started rooting around in my purse for something. He happened to grab the tampon I had in there, pulled it out and started waving it around, asking “mommy,… Continue reading Watching Two Grown Men Squirm…
Toddlers are nuts, part 2
“Tyler, please quit licking my camera” …..’Nuff said. – Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Little Friends
Tyler was playing outside with Jordan again tonight. they were having a nice time, and after Jordan left to go home, Tyler asked me, “mommy, can Jordan spend the night?”. I told him not yet, maybe someday when they are older. (but not too much older, or her dad sure won’t be happy 🙂 Anyway,… Continue reading Little Friends
The “poke”
Apparently the shot Tyler got at his checkup Wednesday really traumatized him, because yesterday morning when I told him we should take the band-aid off, he got upset and said “but mommy, I have a bleed there!”. I told him it was ok, it wasn’t bleeding anymore, but he didn’t want to take it off. … Continue reading The “poke”
3 Year Checkup
Tyler had his 3-year checkup this morning. The doctor was very happy with his progress. She said his heart and lungs sound fine, and his skin looks good. His eczema has definitely improved, we didn’t need to do nearly as much moisturizing this winter and his skin did well. He would have the occasional flare-ups,… Continue reading 3 Year Checkup
Talking to the TV
One thing I’ve noticed recently, is Tyler has been interacting with the TV. up until now, he would just passively watch. some of the shows he watches (like Super Why and Team Umizoomi), will often stop and ask a question to the audience, then pause to wait for a reply. When we were watching yesterday,… Continue reading Talking to the TV
It’s Nice To Be Needed….
I went out with the girls for dinner after work last night. Kevin picked Tyler up, and by the time I got home, they were both already asleep. About 12:30 in the morning, I heard Tyler whimper and grumble a little. Then a minute later I hear this little voice: “I want my mommy”. Of… Continue reading It’s Nice To Be Needed….
Educational TV
I have to admit, some kid’s shows really are educational. I honestly believe that watching Word World has helped Tyler to start being able to identify letters of the alphabet. For the past month as we play with his foam alphabet letters, he has been starting to get some of them right! He definitely knows… Continue reading Educational TV