I don’t even remember what I was talking about, but I must have been saying something about clowns. All I remember is Ty saying “speaking of clowns, can I get some cold water please?”. Uh…. ok, I missed a connection there somewhere….
Of Course Not…
Sometimes it really surprises me how grown-up Tyler sounds, and makes me wonder where he comes up with this stuff. I know he absorbs everything he hears, but sometimes his turn of phrase surprises me. Kevin, Ty and I were having dinner last night, when all of a sudden Tyler jumps down off of his… Continue reading Of Course Not…
Junior Navigator
We stopped at the McDonald’s by Sam’s club for lunch. Ty found a pamphlet about a local attraction, and he was running around calling it a map. He might not know just yet how to read a map, but he sure has the right idea. This is what I overheard on the way home: Ty:… Continue reading Junior Navigator
Trying To Be Sneaky
…”trying” being the operative word there. I told Ty he could watch one episode of Curious George before bed, but in the course of getting ready, Kevin didn’t get the tv turned off in time before a second one started. I was in the kitchen, and Ty called in to me, “mommy, don’t come in… Continue reading Trying To Be Sneaky
Profound Wisdom… or, Too Much TV
Some days on the way home from Kathy’s, Ty is very chatty, and other days he is content to sit in his carseat, suck on his fingers and cuddle Maow (or Shiner). Friday was one of the latter sort of days. We rode along in companionable silence for about 10 minutes, when all of a… Continue reading Profound Wisdom… or, Too Much TV
I Wish So Too
After the allergist gave us the advice to not get a dog for awhile, I was pretty sad because I had been getting pretty excited at the thought of getting one. It is going to be hard to wait, especially since a few times this week, Ty has said “I would like to have a… Continue reading I Wish So Too
The Important Stuff
One nice thing about Tyler getting older is that on the ride home I get a lot more detail about his day than I used to. tonight on the way home he was telling me about the cake that Kathy got for allie’s birthday, and how “it was really hard to open”. He mention Liam,… Continue reading The Important Stuff
Awww, Shucks…
As I was strapping Ty into his car seat this morning, he reached out and stroked my hair a few times, then said “mommy, you’re pretty”. What a sweet way to start the day!
Cupcake Thief – Soooo Proud
Tyler helped me make carrot cake cupcakes for the cookout Monday. ( Of course they had cream cheese icing, do you even need to ask?) He had one after the cookout, proceeded to lick off all the icing, declared that he didn’t like the cake part, and could he please have another? I told him… Continue reading Cupcake Thief – Soooo Proud
Is He Scarred for Life?
Poor Tyler, about two weeks ago he had an incident that apparently traumatized him fairly badly. I picking him up at Kathy’s, and was standing upstairs chatting with her for a few minutes. He got restless and said he was going to go downstairs and play. After a few minutes, we heard her door open,… Continue reading Is He Scarred for Life?