Stripping the Mannequin

I know, it sounds like the name of a band or something.  Ty and I went to Kohl’s this evening.  He has always been fascinated by mannequins, and this trip was no exception.  We saw a male mannequin in the men’s department, and Ty ran over, grabbed the mannequin’s hand and said, “mommy, can we… Continue reading Stripping the Mannequin

This is a Job For…

As we were heading upstairs for bed last night, Tyler and Kevin were on the stairs playing with the valentine’s balloon that Ty had gotten Kevin.  They would let it go in the stairwell, and then laugh and try to reach the ribbon hanging down.  At one point it lodged a little lower on the… Continue reading This is a Job For…

Happy Valentimes Day!

Am I the only one who doesn’t quite get the point of having preschoolers exchange valentines?  None of them can read or write yet!  I get it for grade-schoolers, they can pick out valentines for their friends and address them and sign them themselves.   But I’m not entirely sure what a 3 or 4 year-old… Continue reading Happy Valentimes Day!


I was playing with Ty and he was trying to watch tv.  I kept putting my face in front of his, and after a few times he grabs my face and says “mama, that is what’s called ‘annoying’ !”  can’t argue with that!

Intel of Questionable Value

I’ve discovered that it’s difficult to get any good intel from a 4-year old. We needed to get a gift for Dominic’s birthday party (the first birthday party Ty’s been invited to). I wanted to see if Ty could offer any helpful suggestions. The conversation went something like this: Me: “Ty, what does Dominic like,… Continue reading Intel of Questionable Value

Sleep Issues

We have been having trouble with Ty going to sleep lately.  Between his protests of “I’m scared!” and “I can’t fall asleep, I don’t know how!” he hasn’t been getting enough sleep.  I suppose I should have listened to Kevin several months ago and stopped laying with Tyler until he fell asleep.  Now I need… Continue reading Sleep Issues

Ty’s CORI report, or, “My Son is Great, But I Already Knew That!” :)

I had a chance to talk to Jessica about the Tyler’s “CORI report” that was sent home.  It didn’t indicate any problems, but I wasn’t sure if we were supposed to have a conference with her, or only if we had concerns.  she said he is doing great in her class and she has no… Continue reading Ty’s CORI report, or, “My Son is Great, But I Already Knew That!” 🙂