Kind of random

On the way home from school today, Ty told me that he wishes his stuffed animals could talk. I told him that I had always wished that, too. A few minutes later he pipes up from the back seat: “I wish phones could talk. And sandwiches. I wish phones and sandwiches could talk!” Uuhhh…. Oookaayyyy….

Turns of Phrase

Tyler sometimes surprises me with the turns of phrase that he uses.  When we got to the hotel during our trip to Storyland, he was super excited to visit their game room again.  He encouraged me and Kevin to hurry, by saying “mommy, daddy, let’s go play games in the game room!  it will be… Continue reading Turns of Phrase

Talking Smack

When Ty Kevin and I were playing beyblades, they were getting pretty competitive. Kevin started saying he was going to “rip and strip” Ty (i.e. win). After a few such exchanges back and forth, Ty finally countered with “daddy, I’m going to rip and strip you forever! And after I die my skeleton will come… Continue reading Talking Smack

Jayda’s Birthday Present

Ty and I went to Toys-R-us today to get a present for his friend Jayda’s birthday party tomorrow. As we were looking for the Calico Critters (what I was thinking of getting her), he saw this little makeup set with nail polish, a tiara, a necklace, lip gloss, etc. He stopped, grabbed it off the… Continue reading Jayda’s Birthday Present

Kevin = Cherry Blossom

In Tyler’s class at school, they made gifts for their mom’s and dad’s for mother’s day and father’s day.  For me, he made a “slap” bracelet with my name on it, and for Kevin he decorated a coffee mug.  In addition, for each of us the teachers had printed out a sheet with fill in… Continue reading Kevin = Cherry Blossom

A Lot Much Better

All last week I was crazy sick with strep throat.  I am not sure if it came from Tyler (he had it two weeks before I got it – wouldn’t I have gotten it sooner if it was from him?), or from our time in the petri dish called “One Stop Fun” (we were there… Continue reading A Lot Much Better


Ty woke up at 5:10 this morning.  ugh….  I sent his little tush downstairs to daddy, who was already awake.  I went back to bed.  At 6:00 I hear Ty come up the stairs.  I laid there with my eyes closed, pretending to sleep.  He scrambled up onto the bed, patted me on the hip… Continue reading Wakey-Wakey

Did You Happen to Notice?

I love the turns of phrase that this boy comes up with!  Tonight he told me “mama, did you happen to notice I don’t have any pajamas on?” 🙂