Family Planning

Tyler has always been interested in little kids.  When he was at Kathy’s, he would tell me how much he liked Christian, and at GVCC there is a little boy Wes that Ty tells me “he is so cute! I really like that little guy!”  So I guess it should come as no surprise when… Continue reading Family Planning

Super Awesome Fun

“Momma, there were four great things about today!” Ty told me.  “What was that?” I asked.  He ticked them off on his fingers “one – going sledding with daddy!  two – getting picked up by daddy, three – the school bus and four, um, going sledding!!” In the morning Ty’s preschool went to the Chelmsford Performing Arts… Continue reading Super Awesome Fun

Flavory Magic

Ty is home with Kevin today, they got back from the doctor’s about an hour ago with a diagnosis of pinkeye.  Kevin made Tyler some Campbell’s chicken noodle soup, and Ty absolutely loved it!  I don’t think he’s ever actually had that kind of chicken noodle soup before.  I just talked to him on the… Continue reading Flavory Magic


Kevin was supposed to pick Ty up tonight because I had to work late. I was able to get Ty after all and he said to me “I’m glad you picked me up mom”. I asked him why and he said “because I love you so much! I love as big as the moon! I… Continue reading Awwwww

Filled With Pain

We were at Frank and Kathy’s, and Ty was “cleaning” their windows. I was out of the room, but Kathy was with him. I went into the other room, and Ty somehow slipped and fell from the edge of the window where he had been standing.  Kathy said she caught him, but he did hit… Continue reading Filled With Pain

Wish Upon a Star

As we were returning home from an errand last evening, the sun was setting and the first few stars were starting to peek out.  Tyler said “If I saw a shooting star, I would wish that the world had lots of toys and nothing to do!  No work, no school, no ployees [he meant “employees”]. … Continue reading Wish Upon a Star

Appreciate Nature

It’s nice that Tyler is picking up our appreciation of the outdoors and nature.  One time, after a nice walk outside, I told Tyler that I wish I could be outside more often, because it makes me happy and makes me feel better when I get to have some “outside time”.  So now when Tyler… Continue reading Appreciate Nature

We Got Rumbled

As we were having dinner last night, all of a sudden we heard a rumbling sort of sound.  Kevin and I started to ask each other “do you have laundry in the washer?” because at first it almost felt like when the washer starts to spin.  But then it got a lot stronger, to the… Continue reading We Got Rumbled