
We all managed to snag a nice little nap today. Kevin and Tyler fell asleep together on the floor, and of course mommy decided if everyone else was going to sleep, she was too! So after I snapped this adorable pic, it was off to naptime for me too… 🙂 1901

Rolling Over, Part 2

It seems as though Tyler has now figured out the other part of rolling over, going from front to back. He has done it several times now, although he stills rolls predominantly to the right for some reason. Makes me wonder if he’s going to end up being a rightie, not what you’d expect with… Continue reading Rolling Over, Part 2

Little Strong Man

Everyone comments on how strong Tyler is for his age. Even the nurses at the hospital after he was born would tell us that he had a very strong grip and good head control for a newborn. He will be 13 weeks old this Wednesday, and he can already roll over and hold his head… Continue reading Little Strong Man

First Laugh!

Tyler gave us his first laugh last night! Kevin was working outside with his friend Ray, and I took the baby out to say goodnight before bed. Kevin was playing with him a little, using a funny voice and tickling his stomach, and Tyler laughed. It was so sweet!

A New Trick Mastered

Well, he’s certainly mastered the flipping himself over trick now. He can do it consistently, and this morning he rolled himself over and then fell sound asleep. Too cute! 1849

No Fluke this Time!

Well, it’s definitely no fluke this time, he can roll himself over from back to front! Priscilla said he did it yesterday and today, and tonight when we had him on his play mat he did it twice. He also rolled himself over in his crib after we put him to bed. I’m curious to… Continue reading No Fluke this Time!

Smiley Baby

Since we’ve gotten Tyler’s digestive difficulties worked out, he has become such a good-natured, smiley baby. Priscilla often tells us what a pleasure he is to look after. (This picture is from May 3rd, so he is just over 10 weeks old in this pic) 1831

Restless Child

We sure have a restless sleeper on our hands. When I laid him down in the crib for bed last night, his head was toward the headboard. When I went back later to check on him, his head was toward the footboard. He had done a complete 180 in his sleep!