Over the weekend, Tyler has discovered the letter “b”. It is so cute, he started off on Saturday quietly going “buh-buh-buh-buh” under his breath, then by later in the day he was going “ba-ba-ba-buh-ba-buh-buh”. It is so cute to listen to him playing with this new sound. He’s been doing lots of coos and vowel… Continue reading B-B-B-Baby
Category: Uncategorized
How Much is That Baby in the Mirror?
Tyler has discovered a new playmate. It’s that baby in the mirror! But he doesn’t have any new tricks, everything Tyler does, he does too. Still, he’s a handsome fella’… 2694 2700
Cluck Like a Chicken
The results are in, and the funniest animal noise is — chicken clucks! We have done all sorts of animal noises for Tyler, and the one that never fails to crack him up is the chicken clucking. Check it out:
Follow-up with GI at Children’s Hospital
We took Tyler to Boston today for his follow-up appointment with the gastroenterologist. She said we could up his dose of prilosec to 4 ml twice a day if we felt the 3 ml wasn’t controlling the reflux well enough. She also recommended going back on the elecare formula for two weeks or so, to… Continue reading Follow-up with GI at Children’s Hospital
Rash Getting Worse
Poor Tyler. His skin is so sensitive, it seems like he almost always has a rash somewhere on his body. But over the last week it has been getting worse and worse, and is now getting bad all over his back, his sides and down his legs. What makes it really tough is that we… Continue reading Rash Getting Worse
Getting a Cold?
Tyler might be getting a cold. Priscilla had a cold earlier in the week, and Kevin said Elijah had a runny nose when he stopped to pick up Tyler yesterday. Now today, Tyler has some crusty stuff around his nose, as if his nose was running. And he has been sneezing and coughing. And to… Continue reading Getting a Cold?
The Fate of Anything He Gets His Hands On…
Six Month Checkup
Tyler had his 6-month checkup today. The doctor seemed pleased with his progress, his height (28″), weight (18.5 lbs) and head circumference (43 cm) are all following the growth chart the way they should. She also remarked on how his skin looks much better than the last time she saw him. He got the second… Continue reading Six Month Checkup
Another Tooth!
Yay, another tooth! The other front bottom tooth has come in. It is hard to get a good look at them, though, because every time I try to peek in there, he sticks his tongue out and over the teeth. I’d love to get a picture of them, I’ll just have to keep the camera… Continue reading Another Tooth!
One Step Closer…
Uh-oh, we knew this day was coming — he’s mobile! Tyler has figured out how to coordinate his arms and legs, and has gone from just rocking back and forth on his hands and knees, to actually crawling. I’ll try to get some video in the next few days. I have a feeling that we’re… Continue reading One Step Closer…