My Aunt Brenda, Uncle Tom, Grandma Ruth and Gizmo (their Bichon Frise) came to visit for the weekend! We are having a wonderful time. They arrived yesterday (Friday) and are staying until Monday morning. We are going to go out to eat tonight, something Kevin and I haven’t attempted with the baby yet. Nervous? You… Continue reading Family Visit
Category: Uncategorized
Woo-hoo Power Wheels!
I guess Tyler’s visit to his Aunt Kathy’s gave him a taste for speed. Tyler now has his very own quad, compliments of Kevin’s friend Ed, whose sons have outgrown it. Tyler likes to sit on it while we make it go for him, driving him all over the yard. (man that’s a killer on… Continue reading Woo-hoo Power Wheels!
…And More Teeth!
Another tooth has made it’s appearance! We discovered a top front tooth in Tyler’s mouth this morning. Good thing I found some wheat-free, dairy-free teething biscuits at the store recently.
Little Teeth
I was playing with Tyler last night, and he was having a grand time, laughing and giggling and generally being too cute for words. So I grabbed the camera and tried to snap some pics. I’ve been wanting to get a picture of him smiling in such a way that you can see his two… Continue reading Little Teeth
Flapping and Banging
These are the fun new activities Tyler has discovered. For the last couple of weeks, he’s taken to flapping his arms wildly whenever he gets excited. It’s particularly funny when he’s having a bottle, he uses one hand to hold the bottle and the other arm just flaps up and down like he trying to… Continue reading Flapping and Banging
And the Award for Most Fascinating Object in the World Goes To….
…the humble medicine syringe! Tyler sat on the floor last night and contentedly played with this syringe for over 30 minutes. For a baby with the attention span of a housefly, this was an incredibly long time. He just sat there and chewed on it, held it up, turned it over and over, chewed on… Continue reading And the Award for Most Fascinating Object in the World Goes To….
Eeek, Little Daredevil
Hmm… so I am thinking that my level of fear rises proportionately to Tyler’s level of fearlessness. We were playing on the floor in the living room, when he decided to crawl out to the kitchen to see Daddy. On the way there, he goes past the stairs to the second floor. He stops, crawls… Continue reading Eeek, Little Daredevil
Play Ball
Kevin started trying to play ball with Tyler over the weekend. It was absolutely hysterical! Tyler was sitting on the floor, and kevin would toss the little ball to him. Tyler would throw his arms up to catch it but he was too slow and of course the ball would end up bouncing off his… Continue reading Play Ball
Sweet Potato Love
mmmm…. sweet potatoes are sooo yummy — that is, according to Tyler, who gets so excited when he sees the jar that he starts wiggling and grunting and doing his “little bird” impression. I’ve also discovered an easy way to get him cleaned up afterward without having to fight him. (Is it a genetic instinct… Continue reading Sweet Potato Love
Play Ball
Kevin started trying to play ball with Tyler over the weekend. It was absolutely hysterical! Tyler was sitting on the floor, and kevin would toss the little ball to him. Tyler would throw his arms up to catch it but he was too slow and of course the ball would end up bouncing off his… Continue reading Play Ball