Ty told me he was hungry, and I asked him if he wanted some chicken nuggets. He said “no…. keep throwing things at me”. I laughed on said it might get messy if I start flinging food at him. He laughed and said “metaphorically speaking!”. wow — how many first graders know (and correctly use!)… Continue reading Metaphorically Speaking
Category: Uncategorized
Good Hitter
Wow, it's amazing what a difference a year makes! Last year in baseball Ty struggled to focus during his time in the outfield. This year he's really paying attention and two weeks into the season he has already made several great plays. He watches what's going on and will run in to cover a teammate… Continue reading Good Hitter
Kinda Human
Watching a child grown and learn can be incredibly fascinating. It’s an interesting look at how someone learns things, processes them, then makes mental leaps to organize information and come to conclusions. Case in point, the following tidbit that Tyler told me the other day: Ty: “mama, did you know humans are from the same… Continue reading Kinda Human
All the Kissing
So Ty and I watched the latest episode of the Flash, in which two sets of couples got reunited. As you can imagine, there was kissing then this happened. After the second couple got reunited and kissed, Tyler turned to me and said, “mama, why is there so much kissing in this episode?! Can’t they… Continue reading All the Kissing
Mother of Madness
Ty: ahhhh! ahhhh! ahhhhh! Me: what’s wrong? Ty: I’m grabbing my balls and my hands are ice cold! Mother of madness that is cold!! Me: um, why are you grabbing your balls? Ty: I don’t know, sometimes I do crazy things! Posted with Blogsy
A Nice List
Tyler this morning: “mama, I love you in a lot of ways. I love daddy in a lot of ways. Too many ways to list, it’s a long list.
Tied in the Loveness
Tyler said to me tonight: “I love you, mama. I love daddy too. I love you both equally… you are tied in the loveness!” Posted with Blogsy
Bestest Friend
On the way to tae kwon do, Ty told me he was excited to see his friends there. He said, “Crispin, Jacob and Kian are my bestest friends. But you know what?” “No, what?” I said. “Daddy is my bestest, bestest, bestest friend!” he said. Man I wish Kevin had been there to hear… Continue reading Bestest Friend
I’ll Pass
A rare, non-Tyler post! So Ken had come up to visit, and was getting a little itchy from the dogs. I told him that I had some great eyedrops that are specifically for itch from allergies. My eyes were also itching at the time, so as I am telling him how great these drops were,… Continue reading I’ll Pass
Nature Stomps Some Balls
Ty and I were having a nice, relaxing evening, swinging together in the hammock as the dogs entertained themselves in the yard. After a long while, Ty said “do you want to go in and watch a show, mama?”. I said I was having a nice time watching the nature show with him. Just as… Continue reading Nature Stomps Some Balls