Here’s a pic of Priscilla, Elijah and Tyler that I took a few weeks ago. When I walked in, Priscilla was just sitting there with them, rocking quietly. She told me they’d been asleep in her lap for over half an hour. 3068
Category: Uncategorized
I love watching Tyler learn and figure things out. One day last week I was getting some oatmeal ready for him, and he saw the open canister. I let him reach inside and play with the oatmeal. He grabbed a handful, and used his empty hand to pry open the hand with the oatmeal flakes… Continue reading Learning
Fly Swatter
Ok, I’m a bad mommy… I feel kind of guilty laughing about this, but he was fine and it was so darn funny looking. We have had one of the baby gates just sitting against the wall in the hallway. It has a sort of honeycomb shape to it, just perfect for little hands to… Continue reading Fly Swatter
Allergist Follow-Up
We went back to Children’s Hospital today for a follow-up with Tyler’s allergist. Unfortunately, he did test positive for wheat in a skin test. Although from what I’ve been reading, skin tests are more accurate for negative results than positives. (Meaning, if the test comes back negative, he’s almost certainly *not* allergic to that thing,… Continue reading Allergist Follow-Up
Another Tooth! (Five and Counting….)
Tyler has another tooth this morning, which brings the count to five now! (It is on the top)
Flat Tire + Cranky Baby = No Fun
I got a chance to verify this equation yesterday. Tyler and I had run up to Nashua on an errand, and ended up heading back toward home sooner than I anticipated, because he was getting cranky for some reason. (I’m not sure why, because he had had a nap and a bottle before we left).… Continue reading Flat Tire + Cranky Baby = No Fun
And a Slap For You, Too
Tyler’s big thing recently has been slapping things with his hand. The other day I almost fell off the couch laughing, becuase Kevin was on the floor playing with Tyler, and all of a sudden Tyler reached out and started slapping Kevin on the forehead! It was hysterical 🙂
Another Tooth
The second top front tooth has arrived!
Apple Picking
We all went apple picking today, at Parlee Farms in Tyngsboro. What a blast! Apparently apple picking is a huge event, because there must have been over a hundred cars in the parking area. But thankfully it never really felt too crowded there. We started out with a hayride out to the orchard, then spent… Continue reading Apple Picking
Wow, was I super surprised at how well it went at Outback last night! Tyler did extremely well there. When we first pulled his highchair up to the table, he spent some time checking out daddy’s glass, then spent some fun time chewing on the cardboard coasters (until he managed to chew a small chunk… Continue reading Outback