Jagger Singing…

What a long and crazy summer! Work has been insane. Here’s a quick post to add a little video clip of Jagger singing me a “welcome home” song. I love how he sings, and I’m glad I finally got it caught on tape. click here to see it…

Categorized as Jagger

Corn on the Cob

We had a cookout today, with the our first corn on the cob of the summer. Turns out Jagger likes it too! Although I didn’t know he could eat so delicately. I thought he only had one setting – “gobble” 🙂 The video of this is just too cute. (I made it into a flash… Continue reading Corn on the Cob

Categorized as Jagger

Doggy Life Jacket

We decided that Jagger needs a life jacket if he is going to go on the boat with us. I thought he had plenty of “natural” bouayancy, but Kevin didn’t think it was enough, hence the snazzy new life jacket 🙂

Categorized as Jagger

All Healed Up

The staples came out today!! That is one happy puppy now…

Categorized as Jagger

Snow, Snow, Snow!!

According to the weather channel yesterday, the forecast was “blizzard”. When poor Jagger went outside this morning, he sank into the snow over his head. Of course I, being the sensitive doggie mommie I am, stood in the doorway laughing hysterically while he “swam” through the snow back to the house. I have some pics… Continue reading Snow, Snow, Snow!!

Categorized as Jagger