We are lucky, Tyler loves taking a bath. But now that he’s older (and taller) you have to watch him like a hawk because his favorite game right now is the old “drop-the-toy-in-the-water-and-lean-over- the-edge-of-the-tub-to-try-to-reach-it-and-almost-fall-in-every-time” game. Of course, this game doesn’t even actually require water, as we found out this morning. Kevin was brushing his teeth… Continue reading Bathtub Gymnastics
Author: nischan
No, He’s Not Spoiled at All…
Don’t take note of all the toys in the bin. Don’t ponder on the fact that it is just one of two bins of toys that size, not even counting the “big” toys. No, he’s not even a little bit spoiled… 🙂 (In our defense, a large fraction of those toys are either gifts or… Continue reading No, He’s Not Spoiled at All…
First Thanksgiving
Yesterday was Tyler’s first Thanksgiving! We went to Barb and Dave’s house for the day, and had a wonderful time. Tyler got to sit at the table with the grownups (in his new little booster seat), sample new foods and met lots of fun puppies and kitties! He totally wore himself out crawling around following… Continue reading First Thanksgiving
Creative Inspiration
Kevin is usually the one who is good at coming up with funny lyrics for songs. One of Tyler’s toys plays the music for “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and Kevin sang “Tinkle Tinkle In the Car”. For some reason, an entire verse for this variation popped into my head: Tinkle, tinkle in the car Boy,… Continue reading Creative Inspiration
9-Month Checkup
Tyler had his 9-month checkup yesterday. It went well, he is now 21.1 pounds and 30″ tall! The doctor said he looked really good, and is on track development-wise. He had to have blood drawn (via a finger stick) for standard anemia and lead tests. They distracted him from the finger stick by giving him… Continue reading 9-Month Checkup
Oatmeal and Prune Facials are All the Rage
Haven’t you heard? Oatmeal and prune facials are the in thing now: 3113 3110 3104 3101
Mommy’s Little Helper
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A Lapfull of Napping Babies
Here’s a pic of Priscilla, Elijah and Tyler that I took a few weeks ago. When I walked in, Priscilla was just sitting there with them, rocking quietly. She told me they’d been asleep in her lap for over half an hour. 3068
Allergist Follow-Up
We went back to Children’s Hospital today for a follow-up with Tyler’s allergist. Unfortunately, he did test positive for wheat in a skin test. Although from what I’ve been reading, skin tests are more accurate for negative results than positives. (Meaning, if the test comes back negative, he’s almost certainly *not* allergic to that thing,… Continue reading Allergist Follow-Up
Flat Tire + Cranky Baby = No Fun
I got a chance to verify this equation yesterday. Tyler and I had run up to Nashua on an errand, and ended up heading back toward home sooner than I anticipated, because he was getting cranky for some reason. (I’m not sure why, because he had had a nap and a bottle before we left).… Continue reading Flat Tire + Cranky Baby = No Fun