Author: nischan
Christmas 2009
Boy, do kids ever learn fast. He showed us that he knows what presents are. Christmas morning when we came downstairs and he saw them under the tree, he shouted “PRESENTS!” and ran straight for them. 🙂 Oooo, I wonder what’s in here? A new train! C’mon daddy, let me have it already! Trying out… Continue reading Christmas 2009
The Toe Thing
One of the things I’ve read about in the baby books is how kids learn how to “self soothe”. They find something that they can do that calms them down, and somehow anchors them. For some kids it’s sucking their thumb (or fingers, like Tyler), for others it’s twirling their hair or rocking back and… Continue reading The Toe Thing
Christmas Buddies
The hard part wasn’t getting him to wear the antlers, or to keep them on. The hard part was just getting him to sit still long enough to take the dang picture…
Watching Bolt
Bolt was on TV, so we watched it with Tyler. In the beginning of the movie, there is a part where Bolt and Penny are being chased by bad guys in cars, helicopters and motorcycles. Bolt stops and does his “super bark” that sends all the bad guys flying. When we got to this part… Continue reading Watching Bolt
We spent thanksgiving with our friends the Sutherlands. We all had a wonderful time! We tried several times to get a good picture of the three of us, but Tyler just would not look at the camera. When he finally did, he looks like he is expecting it to jump out of Barb’s hands and… Continue reading Thanksgiving
The Fuzzy Chair
When we were at Kathy’s in July, Tyler totally loved the pink, fuzzy chair that was in the room we slept in. He loved it so much that we almost immediately went out to try and find one for him. We found one (the very last one) at Wal-mart. It had a small tear in… Continue reading The Fuzzy Chair
Great Brook Farm
We went to Great Brook Farm in Carlisle today. Tyler thought the sheep and goats were funny, and he totally wanted to take the cow home with us. He stuck his arm through the wire fence around the cow pen, made the “gimme gimme” motion with his hand toward the cow and said “hab it? … Continue reading Great Brook Farm
What Happens When You Give the Boy a Camera…
let’s just say he doesn’t quite understand the concept of a camera just yet… 5435 5432 5429 5426
A Nice Fall Day
It was a beautiful fall day today. We spent a long time outside, playing and hanging out. The weather was so nice that Tyler wanted some of his little friends to enjoy the day too: 5414 5423 5417 5420 With the little denim jacket and that expression on his face, he sure looks like a… Continue reading A Nice Fall Day