Well, it turns out that just stopping all of your medication at once is probably not the brightest thing in the world to do. I woke up yesterday with a massive migraine. The first call to the doctor to see what is safe for me to take resulted in “take Tylenol”. Right. Obviously this nurse… Continue reading Ow, migraine…
Author: missy
Jagger Needs Surgery, again :(
We had to take Jagger to the vet today, and found out that he will need surgery on the lump on his leg. I am scared to death, because with his heart condition, anesthesia is very risky. But the lump has started to turn necrotic, and it has to come off, or it will continue… Continue reading Jagger Needs Surgery, again 🙁
Deer in the Headlights
Here is a post I had written and posted on Jagger’s blog, relating how I found out I was pregnant: Oh my god, I’m 36 years old and yesterday I found out I’m pregnant! Holy crap. I have no idea what to do. We weren’t planning on this, it just happened. Looking back at the… Continue reading Deer in the Headlights
Big News!
Oh my god, I’m 36 years old and yesterday I found out I’m pregnant! Holy crap. I have no idea what to do. We weren’t planning on this, it just happened. Looking back at the calendar, we are almost positive that it happened on June 9th. Actually, this explains the way I’ve been feeling lately.… Continue reading Big News!
Jagger Singing…
What a long and crazy summer! Work has been insane. Here’s a quick post to add a little video clip of Jagger singing me a “welcome home” song. I love how he sings, and I’m glad I finally got it caught on tape. click here to see it…
Been a Long Time…
It’s been a long time since I posted to this blog. I really want to get back into the habit of writing, because there are so many little things everyday that I want to remember. You always think you’ll remember all the little things, but memories do fade… I am giving “Windows Live Writer” (beta… Continue reading Been a Long Time…
Skidboot the Dog
A heart-warming segment from Texas Country Reporter, with Bob Phillips. For more information visit www.TexasCountryReporter.com or www.skidboot.com
Corn on the Cob
We had a cookout today, with the our first corn on the cob of the summer. Turns out Jagger likes it too! Although I didn’t know he could eat so delicately. I thought he only had one setting – “gobble” 🙂 The video of this is just too cute. (I made it into a flash… Continue reading Corn on the Cob
Doggy Life Jacket
We decided that Jagger needs a life jacket if he is going to go on the boat with us. I thought he had plenty of “natural” bouayancy, but Kevin didn’t think it was enough, hence the snazzy new life jacket 🙂
Finally, Another Update…
The months since the last major update to the site have been incredibly crazy. I have only recently had a chance to come back to the site and start to work on it again. I installed new image gallery software, and uploaded a lot of new pics, including some old family pics from as early… Continue reading Finally, Another Update…