After several accidents at daycare with wheat, (Tyler got someone’s cracker one day, a cookie on another day), and no noticeable reaction, we decided to start trailiing wheat this week. Here is what he had: 6/15 – 2 pcs white toast in the morning, 1/2 pc white bread at lunch 6/16 – 4 saltines 6/17… Continue reading Trialing Wheat
Author: missy
Molars, lots of molars
What a night last night. Poor Tyler, he is cutting *three* teeth at the same time right now. I am assuming they are his one-year molars coming in. He woke up around 10:30, screaming and crying. We gave him some motrin, and then a bottle. He went back to sleep for about 45 minutes, then… Continue reading Molars, lots of molars
Cute Things
Ever since Kevin showed Tyler how to blow bubbles with his mouth in the water, bathtime has not been the same. That child is now obsessed with perfecting the art of bathtub bubbles. He hasn’t quite gotten the hang of it, and more often than not inhales instead of blowing out, leading to lots of… Continue reading Cute Things
And Baby Makes Three: One Year On
This is a follow-up to the post I wrote for Tyler’s blog. I also wanted to add in a few personal observations, from the mommy perspective. When I was young, I never was much of a “kid” person. Not that I didn’t like kids, in fact I always found it interesting to watch them learn… Continue reading And Baby Makes Three: One Year On
Little Things
I just wanted to get a post in here with some comments about the little things. Over the last few weeks, we have noticed that Tyler has begun mimicking our actions. He’ll take any object roughly the size of a phone and hold it up to his ear as if it is a phone. He… Continue reading Little Things
More Allergy Tests
Tyler had his checkup at the allergist’s today. They skin tested him for milk, barley, carrot, spinach, banana, apple, and cod (whitefish). He reacted to: milk (big reaction), barley and banana (small reaction), and was negative on: carrot, spinach, apple and cod.
Sweet Baby Hugs
Yesterday afternoon, Tyler was playing quietly on the floor, over by his toy bins. Kevin was on the couch, and I was wandering aimlessly around the living room. I was going to go over to Tyler, but Kevin and I have talked about letting him be when he’s playing quietly by himself, instead of constantly… Continue reading Sweet Baby Hugs
Belly Farts and Belly Laughs
Tyler and I were home by ourselves today. Kevin was out plowing, yet another 6″ of snow having fallen during the night. After chasing the “todd” around for awhile playing “let’s get mommy” and then “let’s get baby”, I was ready for a break. Thankfully, Tyler is young enough that me lying on my side… Continue reading Belly Farts and Belly Laughs
Absolutely Miserable Trip to Maryland
Ugh. Our after-christmas trip to Maryland: a completely, absolutely miserable trip. Beginning to end. My comment to Kevin after we got back: “next summer, either we’re flying down, or people will just have to come up here and see us”. yeah, it was that bad. The trip down was miserable. Tyler was extremely unhappy to… Continue reading Absolutely Miserable Trip to Maryland
Standing Ovation
Tyler stood up all by himself last night! He had just gotten done eating, and I took him out of the highchair and set him on the floor in the kitchen by his toy cellphone. He was on his hands and feet, with his butt in the air. He grabbed the cell phone in one… Continue reading Standing Ovation