You know that saying “you catch more flies with honey…”? It is true for toddlers too. I have gotten extremely tired of fighting Ty to get him in the car seat when I pick him up from daycare. I think I have figured out a trick to getting him into his seat with little or… Continue reading Proper Motivation
Author: missy
Breakfast with Mommy
Sometimes on the weekend, I will eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast. when I do this, I eat a cereal that Ty can have, and I use rice milk. that way he can have some if he wants. I usually eat it out of the orange cereal bowls (see the “whip it” post on… Continue reading Breakfast with Mommy
Sign of the Times
Yeah, ok, I couldn’t resist the bad joke… Tyler has started making up his own signs for words now! He had previously made up a sign for “ball”, which was an open hand held palm out. But the sign he made up for “pop” (as in freeze-pop), shows how much he is making connections between… Continue reading Sign of the Times
Butt, Butt
Tyler now knows where his butt is. When he was on the trampoline at Kathy’s, she told him to jump up and land on his butt. He sat down, rolled backwards and grabbed his tush! I didn’t even know he knew what/where his butt was. So a few days ago he had a fever. I… Continue reading Butt, Butt
Clever Boy
Man, Tyler just never ceases to surprise with how much he understands, even if he can’t verbalize it all yet. After Kevin got the frame for Tyler’s new play center erected, Tyler was having fun just walking around and around one of the legs of the framework. I said to kevin “Wow, he is going… Continue reading Clever Boy
Yeah, OK, Well, When I Think of Something, Buster….
I’m getting so tired of picking up Tyler’s food off the floor. He’s in a phase right now where if he is done with something or doesn’t want it, he will just drop it over the side of his highchair and on to the floor. I haven’t figured out yet how to teach him not… Continue reading Yeah, OK, Well, When I Think of Something, Buster….
Yesterday morning we found a third canine tooth poking out! The other two came in last weekend. Only five more teeth to go (the fourth canine and the 4 two-year molars) and we’re done with teething! Yay!
Who Doesn’t Like a Little Breeze on the Butt?
Poor Tyler, about two weeks ago he got some dairy in his food at daycare and had a bad reaction to it. He ended up with bad diarrhea and a really bad rash on his butt. Poor little guy looked like a boiled lobster down there. He couldn’t even sit comfortably. That weekend, we were… Continue reading Who Doesn’t Like a Little Breeze on the Butt?
Who Doesn't Like a Little Breeze on the Butt?
Poor Tyler, about two weeks ago he got some dairy in his food at daycare and had a bad reaction to it. He ended up with bad diarrhea and a really bad rash on his butt. Poor little guy looked like a boiled lobster down there. He couldn’t even sit comfortably. That weekend, we were… Continue reading Who Doesn't Like a Little Breeze on the Butt?
So Much To Say…
Tyler sure is taking on new words at an increasing rate! His first few recognizable words were daddy (da-eee), mama, kitty (ke-eee), juice, no, piggies, and shoes. He also knew the signs for hungry/eat and cookie. Now, he knows a lot of words that we have been teaching him, as well as some that he… Continue reading So Much To Say…