Every now and then, Ty likes to strip his diaper off and run around naked (or half-naked, anyway). He will do laps around the living room, yelling “nakey! nakey!” and giggling like crazy. The other day, during one of his half-naked run arounds, he suddenly stopped beside Panda, picked him up, turned him around (so… Continue reading See? See?
Author: missy
We are trying to teach Tyler to be polite. I am a firm believer in good manners. So it is not uncommon to hear an exchange like this: Ty: “cracker! hab it!!” Me: “ask nicely…” Ty: “cracker peeeese!” Me: “here you go. can you say ‘thank you’?” Ty: “tank ooo” Me: “you’re welcome” I guess… Continue reading Politeness
Choking Scare
We had our first real choking scare today. Ty has had times when he sort-of choked on something, where he was coughing and gagging, but it was always obvious that he could still breath. After breakfast we went in the bathroom to wash his hands and I didn’t realize that he still had a mouth… Continue reading Choking Scare
Boogers and Boo-boos
Tyler has had a runny nose for a few days now. When I went in to get him this morning, he was standing in the crib, pointing at his nose and saying “boogers! boogers!” sure enough, he had crusty boogers in each nostril! him being able to talk can sure make things easier sometimes… then… Continue reading Boogers and Boo-boos
Bathtime Troubles
So Tyler has decided he hates getting his hair washed now. More specifically, he seems to hate getting his head wet. The last two times he has had a bath, he has totally spazzed when I try to wash his hair. Like, “screaming bloody murder” spazzing. I wouldn’t say he loved getting his hair washed… Continue reading Bathtime Troubles
First Sentence
When we got home from work/daycare, Kevin, Tyler and I were outside. Kevin was sitting on the cooler, and Tyler went over to the garage and sat down on the doorstep. He looked at me, patted the doorstep beside him, and said “mama sit down”! That’s the first time so far that he’s put more… Continue reading First Sentence
Potty Time
not quite yet, but he is definietly on his way. he will now tells us when he has pooped (he’ll grab his butt and say “butt? poop?”. once or twice he has actually told us before hand, but we thought he meant he had already gone. He is also fascinated by peeing. When Kevin is… Continue reading Potty Time
Ty is (finally!) starting to get the hang of using hte word “yes”. for quite a while, he would say “no” even when he meant yes. which led to some funny exchanges, such as, me: “would you like another piece of ham?” Ty: “no” (as he grabs the piece of ham and shovels it into… Continue reading Yessss
Word, Words and More Words
Holy cow, is Ty ever picking up words now! We had brocolli the other night for dinner, so he now knows “brocky”. He has also picked up corn, sit, apple, sausage (sau-jij), and my favorite so far — “jupes” (grapes). There are many more, I have totally lost track because he is learning them so… Continue reading Word, Words and More Words
Yay! Mows!
Kevin had to go get gas for his mowers, and left the trailer hanging open. Ty watched from the window, and when I told him, “yes, we can out and see the mowers” he jumped down from his stool, ran to the mud room door and said (and I quote) “yay! mows!”.