Ty’s been on the singulair for his allergies for almost a week now, and I think we are going to take him off of it. It did seem to help his symptoms, but it is clearly starting to effect his mood. Early in the week, I wasn’t sure if his crankiness and general irritability was… Continue reading Singulair Problems?
Author: missy
Ty had an awful night last night. He kept having coughing fits, at one point coughing for about 40 minutes non-stop. (he would cough-cough-cough then stop for maybe 30 seconds or less, then cough-cough-cough again, over and over). So this morning I took him to the pediatrician on call (Dr. Miekle) who said the coughing… Continue reading Singulair
See, Daddy?
Poor Ty, he has been having a lot of trouble with hay fever this past week. He’s been scrubbing at his face, clearly very itchy. I called the allergist this morning, and she said we can bump up his dosage of zyrtec to 3/4 teaspoon. I also went and bought an air cleaner for his… Continue reading See, Daddy?
Outback with Dennis
We went to Outback Steakhouse with Dennis tonight. Oddly enough, just that afternoon I had been thinking of their Victoria filet with the horseradish crumb crust (yummmmm). Kevin and Dennis got back pretty late from doing spring cleanups and Kevin suggested just going to Outback for dinner! yay, my unconscious psychic signals must have been… Continue reading Outback with Dennis
New Tub Friends
Ty got some new tub toys at “Buy Buy Baby” this morning. It is a set of little plastic animals that squirt water. There is a fish, dolphin, duck, seal, starfish and a frog. When Ty played with them in the bathtub this evening for the first time, he took his little stuffed turtle (also… Continue reading New Tub Friends
Alphabet Acrobatics
Tyler is getting pretty good at reciting the alphabet! I never would have thought kids could do that this young. He doesn’t have it down exactly, though. It usually goes something like this: Me: Ty, can you sing the alphabet song? Ty: a b c d e f g Me: what’s next? Ty: h i… Continue reading Alphabet Acrobatics
No, no, keep it! keep it!
One morning when we were getting Ty ready to go to daycare, he decided he didn’t want to go. He was throwing a fit, threw himself on the floor, and when I tried to get his coat on, he put his hand up in a “stop” motion and said “no, mommy, no! keep it! keep… Continue reading No, no, keep it! keep it!
New Quad, Daddy!
Now that it is getting kind of nice out now, Kevin got Tyler’s new (got it for christmas) quad out of the garage. When Tyler saw it sitting in the yard, he said “Oh man, new quad, daddy!!”
When I See a Booger, I Think of Mommy…
This morning as I was cleaning up in the kitchen, I hear the following snippet of conversation: Ty (after extracting his finger from his nose): “Daddy! Booger! Booger!” Kevin: “Wow, look at that! …. Go give it to mommy…” yeah… thanks Daddy…
No TV Off!
This morning, I paused the TV so I could get Ty to go into the kitchen and eat his breakfast. (Getting him to do anything while he’s watching a show is almost impossible. We call it being “zombified”…) Anyway, when I paused the TV, he ran over and started waving his arms in front of… Continue reading No TV Off!