Oh My Goodness

I washed several of Tyler’s stuffed animals today. I usually hang them up from hangers on the bathroom shower rod to dry. When Tyler got home from daycare and asked for his friends, I told him to go look in the bathroom. His eyes went wide when he saw them, and he pointed saying, “Oh… Continue reading Oh My Goodness

What’re You Doing?

For the last few days, every now and then Tyler has been asking me and Kevin “what are you doing?”.  And yesterday Kathy told me she had her iron out to iron something and he asked her “what’s that thingy?” 🙂  I have a feeling the often dreaded “why” is not far behind…. oh, and… Continue reading What’re You Doing?

What're You Doing?

For the last few days, every now and then Tyler has been asking me and Kevin “what are you doing?”.  And yesterday Kathy told me she had her iron out to iron something and he asked her “what’s that thingy?” 🙂  I have a feeling the often dreaded “why” is not far behind…. oh, and… Continue reading What're You Doing?

I Stucking!

Tyler was playing on his tricycle this morning, in the kitchen.  He managed to pedal a few times on his own, and proudly pronounced “I’m riding!  I riding!”.  Then he pedaled backwards and ran up against the train table.  This was followed by his pronouncement “I stucking!  I stucking!”  🙂

Much Better Moods!

Ty has been doing sooo much better since we took him off the singulair that it is very clear now that that was the cause of his mood problems last week.  He has done a 180 degree switch in mood.  He is happy, chipper and playful again!  We have been using the NasalCrom as well,… Continue reading Much Better Moods!

Nice Day Together

Kevin went to a car show this morning with Dennis, leaving me and Ty to hang out for the morning.  After playing for a while, we got ready and went to Home Depot.  He was a very good boy, and accompanied me while I got what I needed.  After that, I took him to look… Continue reading Nice Day Together

More cuteness

Several times now I have seen Tyler holding his stuffed animals face to face and making kissing noises. How sweet!!