Just a post to document some of the nice things people have said about Ty in the past few months, (while I am remembering them):
Last year in our parent-teacher conference, Steve (Mr. Wurtzler) raved about Tyler. He said he was a smart, and a good learner. Then, during field day at the end of the year, Steve told me (in private), “just between you and me, Tyler has been my favorite student”.
At this year’s parent-teacher conference, Tara (Mrs. Trainor) told me that Tyler’s testing was at the top of the charts across all the subjects! She also said he was a good learner and that “if I had a class full of Tylers, my job would be soooo easy!”
Then, when I was picking Tyler up from extended day, one of the extended day teachers was telling me that after a hard-fought game of ball in the gym, (wherein Tyler’s team won), he went to the other team’s captain and told him “good game” and high-fived him! Maybe some of my lessons stick! 🙂
Not long after that we ran into Ty’s computer teacher on the way in to school, and she said “oh, Tyler is such a joy to have in class, he is a very fast typist and is already learning to code”
There are plenty more, but these were some that I thought of off the top of my head. I’ll add to this post as I remember or they come up.