Ty, Ken and I were playing Minecraft online together over the weekend. Ty and I were in the computer room, and Ken was on the phone, on speaker. All of a sudden Ty pipes up “I’m building a dildo!” I did a complete spit-take, and Ken said “he didn’t just say what I think he said, did he?” to which I replied (between gales of laughter) “yes, he did!”. I stammered at Ty “what do you… where… huh??” I didn’t even know where to start. 🙂 Ty, realizing that apparently that was the wrong word, said “you know, one of things babies play with!” more gales of laughter from me and ken, until finally ken said “a pacifier?” and I said “you know, a binky?”. ty said “yeah, that! why, what does dildo mean then?”. I promised him I would explain it to him when he was older. 🙂