We really do tend to get caught up in the negative, unimportant details sometimes. Tyler said something to me this morning that really put it in perspective. At about 6 am he came into my room and crawled in to bed with me. I was really groggy, so I continued to lay there for a few minutes. After a few minutes, he started stroking my hair and said to me “mama, do you know what I love most about you?”. “what’s that?” I answered. “I love your face and your voice but I really love your belly, you know why?”. “why’s that?”
I said. “because it is big. and soft and warm and I love to lay my head on it, it feels nice.”.
talk about wanting to totally melt on the spot! as I move in and out of my periods of self-flagellation over my weight, I need to remember those words, and the complete acceptance and love with which they were spoken. words cannot describe how much I love that little man of mine! 🙂