Funny Quotes

I am going to use this post to list funny quotes that Ty has said over the years (gaa!!! YEARS?!?)

8/25/12:  (We were at CVS, and Ty was looking at a toy):  “mommy, I can’t take my eyes off of this toy!”

8/26/12:  (Making breakfast one morning): “mommy, I just can’t get my nose off that sausage smell!  It smells soooo delicious!”  
me: “yeah, just smelling it is really making me hungry”  
Ty: “my belly can’t wait to eat it!”

9/1/12: (While I was driving somewhere, and Ty was playing a game on his iPod Touch):  “awww, mom… every time you make a crazy turn, my game goes with it!!”

7/28/10: “Mommy I’m going to Donalds [meaning McDonald’s], you wanna come along?”

8/3/10: Ty: “I’m busy driving this car”
me: “Where?”
Ty: “to the liberry!”

12/2/11: (Before sitting down to poop):  “I need to get naked for this job!”  (and yes, he did strip completely naked before pooping)

1/12/12: Ty:  “Mommy,let’s play a game!”
me: “sure, what game?”
Ty: “It’s called “ice hockey what’s”, ’cause you don’t know what’s going to happen!”

12/31/11: (Watching fireworks past Linda’s house):  Ty: “It’s a special night!”
me: “yes, it is, it’s new years eve”  
Ty: “I hope Linda enjoys it!” (about the fireworks)

12/31/11: (About the basement stairs): “daddy, these stairs aren’t safe.  you should make them safe.  that can be your winter project.”

July, 2011:  “is that a bad plan or a good plan?”  (Tyler always seemed to do best with transitions if we gave him a specific “plan” for what was coming next)

Here are some quotes that I don’t have specific dates for:

“Mommy, stay your mouth open” (~2010)

“Daddy, I’m gonna win you!” (~2010)


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