Ty and I went to Gamestop to get a Skylander’s giant. While we were there, he had to go potty. After he was done peeing, but still had his junk hanging out, he pokes at his “boys” and says to me “mommy, look, I have two eggs and a hot dog!”. I laughed and told him “hey, maybe it’s two eggs and a sausage — you have a breakfast platter!” He thought that was pretty funny.
As we left the store with his Skylanders (two giants!), he asked me “mommy, what was this one’s name again?”. I replied “his name is Eye-Brawl”, then, thinking that he may not know what a brawl is, I explained “a brawl is a big fight between a lot of people”. He ponders this for a moment and says “but I thought a bra(wl) was something you hang your boobies in?” I just about peed my pants laughing at that one… 🙂