Tyler has always been interested in little kids. When he was at Kathy’s, he would tell me how much he liked Christian, and at GVCC there is a little boy Wes that Ty tells me “he is so cute! I really like that little guy!” So I guess it should come as no surprise when he started telling me the other day about the family he’s going to have. He said to me “so momma, this is how life works – when you were a kid you didn’t have me, then you grew up, and you had me!” I told him yes, that was how it worked. He said “so everyone should have a kid?” I told him that most people have kids when they grow up. Some people want to but can’t, and some people don’t want to at all, but most people do.
He contemplated that for a few minutes, then told me when he grows up he is going to have three kids, all boys, and their names were going to be Steve, Alvin and Chick. He then proceeded to tell me what their favorite colors will be, and that one of them will have glasses, but the other two won’t. Now that’s what I call family planning! 🙂