Super Awesome Fun

“Momma, there were four great things about today!” Ty told me.  “What was that?” I asked.  He ticked them off on his fingers “one – going sledding with daddy!  two – getting picked up by daddy, three – the school bus and four, um, going sledding!!”

In the morning Ty’s preschool went to the Chelmsford Performing Arts center (via school bus) and saw “The Tortoise and the Hare” and “The Ugly Duckling”.  Then in the afternoon, Kevin picked Tyler up early and we all went sledding at Varney Park.  Apparently Ty was so excited about sledding that he told everyone at school.  When I picked him up this evening, several people asked him how sledding was. 🙂

Kevin and Ty had gotten to the park first, and I came later.  The snow ramp at the bottom of the hill was great, and we all caught some serious air coming off that thing!  I was completely air born several times.  On the way home, Ty opted to ride with me because, as he told Kevin, “you picked me up daddy, so I’ll ride with mommy ’cause I didn’t get to see her much”  I asked Ty if he had fun sledding and he said “it was super awesome fun!!!”  🙂

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