D’oh! Never Trust a 4-Year Old With Your Secret

…I really should have known better.  Tyler wanted to know what Kevin was getting for his birthday.  Frank and I had gone in together to get Kevin a drum kit for his birthday, which had already arrived and was over at Frank & Kathy’s.  Tyler got upset that we couldn’t go tonight to see “daddy’s surprise”, and against my better judgement, I told Tyler I would show him a picture of what Kevin was getting.  I stressed to him that it was a secret, and no matter what Daddy said, he could not say what the surprise was.

He actually did pretty good, and stood his ground against Kevin’s attempts to wheedle the surprise out of him.  Unfortunately, I forgot the fact that, while he may be able to withstand attempts to pry the secret out of him, his is only 4 years old and therefore lacks the ability to think before he speaks in excitement.  Tyler wanted to put a candle on a cupcake and sing to Daddy, so that is what we did.  After Kevin made a wish and blew out the candle, Tyler asked him what he wished for.  Kevin said “I wished that you would listen to me better”.  Tyler responded “daddy, you should have wished for a drum kit!!”   Sigh…..  out of the mouths of babes….

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