A Lot Much Better

All last week I was crazy sick with strep throat.  I am not sure if it came from Tyler (he had it two weeks before I got it – wouldn’t I have gotten it sooner if it was from him?), or from our time in the petri dish called “One Stop Fun” (we were there the day before I started to feel sick).  Either way, I was really sick.  The first day, Ty didn’t quite get it, and I had to keep telling him “I’m sorry, sweetie, mommy’s too sick to play right now”.  But after that he seemed to understand and really tried to help me feel better.

One day he grabbed my leg as I was walking into the kitchen, gave it a big squeeze, and asked “mommy, did that hug make you feel better?  a lot much better?”.  A few days later, I was starting to feel a little bit better.  Ty was eating crackers and kept trying to give me one.  I kept telling him no thank you and finally he said, in a pleading voice, “please eat one mommy, it will make you feel a lot much better!”.  How could I say no to that? 🙂

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