The “F” Word

No, not the one you think…  A while ago Tyler had asked Kevin why mommy was fat.  He also later mentioned something in passing about my being fat.  He didn’t say it to be mean, he was just stating it as a matter of fact.  Since it is, (and I am), I couldn’t hardly argue with him.  I found that actually, it didn’t hurt my feelings to hear him say it (I think because it was being said just as a matter of fact).  But we told him that people (especially girls and women) don’t like to be told that, even if it’s true.  We told him that it can hurt their feelings, and so he shouldn’t say it.

Well, apparently he was actually listening when we told him that!  He was talking on the way home about going somewhere with Uncle Frank and Aunt Kathy (our neighbors across the street).  He had it all planned out.  He said “Aunt Kathy can sit in the back with me, I can hold Porthos” (their dog) “and Uncle Frank can sit in the front next to you…  wait… where will daddy sit?”.  I told him that daddy could sit in the back with him and Aunt Kathy.  He said “no, he won’t fit.  Aunt Kathy is too f…. uh… mommy, I can’t say this!”.  I was kind of surprised, so I didn’t say anything right away.  After a second he found a way around his quandary: “she’s not skinny!”.  He seemed proud of himself for figuring out how to not say the “f” word.  🙂  I said “yes, that may be true, but let’s not say that to aunt kathy, ’cause people don’t like to hear that”.  He said “it hurts your feelings?”.  I said “yes, it can…”.  He responded, sounding a little confused “but, you’re just big…”  with a tone of voice as if we was saying “you’re just short” or “you’re just tall”.  It was very sweet that he considered it a non-issue, and didn’t understand why it should matter.  It was one of those moments when I really wished I could wrap him in cotton and keep him sweet and innocent forever!

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