Like a Big, Fat Pear

Later in the ride home (see the post titled “The ‘F’ Word”), Tyler asked me “what does appropriate mean?”  I tried to explain it to him.  He said, “so it’s not appropriate for me to say ‘fat”?”.  I then proceeded to explain that there was nothing wrong with the word ‘fat’ itself, only calling someone fat.  I told him that he can call other things fat, like “a big fat apple” or “a big fat pillow” or even animals (because they don’t understand words and it won’t hurt their feelings), just don’t call people fat.  He said “so I can’t say you have a fat belly.  just, you have a big belly, like a big fat pear!”.  sigh… I’m glad he’s kind of understanding the idea, but I guess it still needs a little work….

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