Stripping the Mannequin

I know, it sounds like the name of a band or something.  Ty and I went to Kohl’s this evening.  He has always been fascinated by mannequins, and this trip was no exception.  We saw a male mannequin in the men’s department, and Ty ran over, grabbed the mannequin’s hand and said, “mommy, can we get this?!?”  At first I didn’t realize what he meant, and I said, “oh, you like that shirt?”.  He replied “nooo, the man!!”.  I told him the mannequins weren’t for sale.

Disappointed, he moved on with me.  As we approached the women’s underwear section, there were two female mannequins (the kind that were just a torso, no legs or head), that were modeling some bras and panties.  When he saw them he said “girls!” (I’m not kidding!) and ran over to them.  The panties that one of them had on were really cute, and I started looking on the rack for some in my size.  I turned back to Tyler, just in time to see him pulling down the panties of one of the mannequins!  I squealed “Ty!  let’s not strip the mannequins!”.  He was giggling, and responded to me “I saw her pee-pee!”.  He then proceeded to ask me (while reaching for the bra) “can I see her boobies?!?”  sigh….  I had no idea the fascination started this early!  Kevin told me he thinks it’s instinctual in guys.  At this point, I can totally believe that! 🙂

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