Am I the only one who doesn’t quite get the point of having preschoolers exchange valentines? None of them can read or write yet! I get it for grade-schoolers, they can pick out valentines for their friends and address them and sign them themselves. But I’m not entirely sure what a 3 or 4 year-old gets out of the whole exercise, when it’s his mother that sits there and addresses and signs each one. In an effort to have Ty involved in some way with this whole venture, I had him pick out which card to give each kid. The cards were cute, and each one came with a temporary tattoo. I thought that was a nice alternative to candy. While we were at the Paper Store picking out the Valentines, Ty saw a heart shaped balloon and wanted to get it for Kevin. I guess I shouldn’t be such a curmudgeon about the valentines thing — it was really sweet to hear Tyler say “this is a great balloon! I can give it to Daddy for Valentimes day!”