Profound Wisdom… or, Too Much TV

Some days on the way home from Kathy’s, Ty is very chatty, and other days he is content to sit in his carseat, suck on his fingers and cuddle Maow (or Shiner).  Friday was one of the latter sort of days.  We rode along in companionable silence for about 10 minutes, when all of a sudden Ty pops his fingers out of his mouth and announces with great gravity: “don’t get mad, get glad!”.  He then pops his fingers back in and resumes cuddling.

Needless to say, I was quite surprised at this sudden dropping of a wisdom nugget.  More precisely, I almost drove the car off the road from laughing so hard at the complete randomness of this proclamation… 🙂

When I recovered, I said to Ty “watching a little TV today, were you?  well, it is good advice, I’ll keep it in mind…”  I guess the ad men scored a win on that one.

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