Wait For It…

We decided on the spur of the moment to go to Outback for dinner last night.  We got there a little on the late side (for us), about 5:45.  We were told the wait would be about 15-20 minutes.  As we were sitting on the bench waiting, we met a really nice couple with a little boy about 2 years old who also loved Thomas the Train and Curious George.  It was nice chatting with them and helped pass the time for about 10 minutes.  After they left for their table, Tyler started to get a little restless.  I let him hold the pager that signals when your table is ready.  He played with it for a while, and then I asked him what the letters on the front were (the sticker said “Outback Steakhouse”).  I guess he thought I was asking what it said, because he ran his fingers along the letters and replied “wait… for.. your.. food.”  I started cracking up, as did the couple sitting next to us, who overheard this exchange.  I told him that he was absolutely right. 🙂

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