3 Year Checkup

Tyler had his 3-year checkup this morning.  The doctor was very happy with his progress.  She said his heart and lungs sound fine, and his skin looks good.  His eczema has definitely improved, we didn’t need to do nearly as much moisturizing this winter and his skin did well.  He would have the occasional flare-ups, but nothing like he used to get.

He had to get one shot, and have a finger-prick test for lead.  He didn’t realize what the shot was until she “poked” him with the needle, and of course he cried. 🙁  He cried a little about the finger-prick, too, but I think that was mostly because of the earlier shot (when he got the finger-prick test last year he didn’t bat an eyelash).

He was still pretty upset when we left, so he snuggled Shiner while I drove him to Kathy’s.  At one point I heard him say “Shiner, that poke really hurt!”.  It was kind of sweet and kind of sad at the same time.

They measured him and weighed him, and he is 39 pounds and 38 3/4″ tall.  she said he had gained 7 pounds and grown 3″ since last year!  I knew he had gotten a good bit taller over the winter, since he had all of a sudden gotten too big for his car seat.

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